Hanne Fogtmann & Kaj Pedersen
Overmarkvej 83
7840 Højslev
+45 97935585
Kaj +45 21524499
Hanne +45 20165465
Email: hanne@dian-shan.dk
About the Owner's
Kaj (born 1954) and I (1955) met each other in December 2001 and moved together about half an year later. We have both been married before and from these marriages we got 4 children: Kaj has Trine & Bjørn, I have Karina and Ditte – all four are grown up and independent now.
Kaj and I have much in common, but one big common interest became/are… The Chows. They fill the best part of our day and are a marked feature of our lifestyle.
Our whole home is marked by the fact, that we have many dogs and there must be place for them. That means tile-floors, washing-room, puppy-room, and dogrooms, built for exactly this breed, that we have lost our hearts to, lots of outdoor space, enormous quantities of towels, brushes, scissors, doggie-shampoos, and leashes.
The shelves are full of show-results, vaccination-papers and pedigrees, while the drawers are full of all kind of copies about dogs/chows. Even the car is chosen so it has enough place for the dogs, when they are to be taken to a show or some place else.
The dog-expenses are bigger than our private expenses due to insurances, vaccinations, shows, dog-food and supplements, blankets, dog-beds, toys, food-bowls, leashes, tit-bits, etc. So one could sure say, that we have got “dog-madness”. And we love it!
It took us long time to find the optimal conditions for our lovely chow-chows – and we didn’t settle until we found the right place.
We moved to our new home March 1st 2004.
Since we moved in, we have spent most of our time building dogrooms and dog-runs, changing design of dog-runs, so that all our chows, got both sun and shadow, when they are outside … and the dogs have lots of space, but all the time there are still things to change and make better, before the winter sets in.
We haven’t yet ensured the absolute optimal conditions for the dogs – but, regardless, we find all the time something new to do things a bit better.
Our home is situated on Jegindø - a small island in Vestjylland, between Struer and Hurup.
We live on the ”pearl of the fiord”, in the middle of a beautiful nature with pheasants, forests, seals and beaches.
We got the loveliest chow-chows in the world and ... we got each other ;o)